Friday, November 20, 2009

November 20 ,2009


How do you know you're a Freak? Here are some ideas:

1. You make a big deal out of your billionth second alive
2. You drive several hours before 9:00am on your day off
3. You convince your wife and baby to go along
4. You milk your one billionth second for a whole day and act like it's your birthday
5. You convince your wife to making chocolate chip cookies to celebrate your big event

My wife is such a good sport. Most people wouldn't give this the time of day, but not only does she acknowledge it, she plays along like it's a good idea! Lucky to be in love with my best friend...

So, there were obviously some sweet things out in Skull Valley this morning. This train was only one of them. The angular patterns are especially interesting because if the picture had been taken on normal land, it would have been quite boring, but every angle, shape and color takes on additional meaning in its multiplication. My eye is immediately drawn to that powerful train whose presence is exaggerated by the reflection in the water and the bright colors that make the train so alive and distinct from the overall cold hue. I love the repetition of the angles and shapes. My eye wanders the image and explores the textured mountain in the background that looks like a chiseled arrowhead or an ice sculpture and then is quickly drawn back to that large and impressive machine.

The POD from yesterday was the gear shift handle in my car. You know, the lever to the right of the steering wheel that you pull up or down on to shift the gears in your car...the kind that is in cars that precede the Bush dynasty or suburbans and minivans. Yes, that kind . Nice guess, Christa.


  1. You're not a freak. I already put my billionth second on my calendar. My dad worried he'd missed his second billion until I reassured him it would be in another decade or so. So, you have the good company of the Davis men in your celebrate-billion-seconds club. :)
