Sunday, November 15, 2009

So I decided to start a blog...

It only happens once every 31 years...
...8 months...
...10 days...
...21 hours...
...46 minutes...
...and 40 seconds (including four leap days)...
...and in 4 days, 3 hours, 35 minutes, and 42 seconds... will be... BILLIONTH...SECOND.

That's a One with 9 zeros after it! One billion seconds from 12:00:00am on March 14, 1978 happens this Friday, November 20, 2009, 1:46:40 am MST. I have no idea what time I was born, so I assume 12:00:00 Noon. If anyone wishes to call and wish happy 1,000,000,000th second or send a money order, I will be happy to accept any time this Friday.

1.0 x 10^9 seconds equals one billion seconds. Does anyone know how long that is? Let me add a little perspective: One billion grains of sand weighs approximately 143,000 lbs--roughly the mass of an Abrams Tank; My scriptures are roughly one inch thick. If I was to lay one beside another standing up, not laying flat, from Centerville and heading east, they would stretch through Raleigh, North Carolina, across the southern tip of Africa, just north of the Southern French Antarctic Islands and hit Perth on the wetern tip of West Australia!

I just realized how nerdy I am...not a true nerd...a TRUE nerd has Math skills that I don't have. I just have nerd tendancies. I'm so glad that I became aware of it in time. I decided to figure it out about a month ago...JUST IN TIME! WHEW! Since then, my friend showed me an awesome website that will do the math for you, so if any of you are interested in your one billionth, or one millionth OR TWO billionth second, visit

The billionth second, admittedly, is a little tongue in cheek, but I started thinking about what a milestone ONE BILLION is. Not as much compared to those who are TWO or THREE BILLION seconds old, but one billion is still a LOT! I realized that goals, challenges, anything worthwhile, and life in general are accomplished by the unimportant and the mundane...great things that are done by seemingly insignificant steps, taken one-at-a-time. Hey, that reminds me of a scripture..
It's a great second to celebrate even if for only the principle.

Speaking of the mundane, I try to do something a little fun to spice it up a bit. So, everday, myc amera goes with me adn I take pictures of things on my way to work, on my breakts at work, on my way home, and at home. You may see me parked on the side of the freeway walking around wiht my camera or before sun-up with my camera pointed at one of the beautiful LDS temples. Some days it's a temple, sometimes it's a flower, sometimes people, and others, a mystery pictures that focuses in on a tiny detail of the beautiful world in which we live. At the end of the day, I delete all of the images except for teh best one. The community in which we live is actually very beautiful, but the beauty becomese common with the business in which we live our lives. I love getting pictures of regular, even mundane things in common places and portraying them in an uncommon way.

I created this blog so that I could start posting my best picture of the day (bPOD). Since my one billionth second was comping up, I thought that it would be a good platform off of which to launch my bPOD. It is also fitting b ecause the whole idea of taking a picture every day is for practice, and hopefully, over a period of time, improvement.

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